Our range of garden benches can either be aluminium or wooden. They help provide a place for you to relax in the sun for a moment of peace and quiet. We offer garden benches from Alexander Rose and they’re completely versatile and provide a great place to sit. These benches would look great in any outdoor area whilst offering a place for you to enjoy your garden. The benches are simple and elegant meaning they will complement your garden, wherever you want to put your bench. The wooden benches do need treating if you want them to maintain their colour however if left they will turn into a lovely grey. Our metal benches come with a cushion for comfort. Any of the garden benches are suitable to be left outside all year round, through all weather. They provide a comfortable place to unwind after a long day. With availability both online and in our Newcastle and Wakefield branches seven days a week, get in touch if you have any queries about any of the products.
Garden Benches
Our range of garden benches can either be aluminium or wooden. They help provide a place for you to relax in the sun for a moment of peace and quiet. We offer garden benches from Alexander Rose and they’re completely versatile and provide a great place to sit. These benches would look great in any outdoor area whilst offering a place for you to enjoy your garden. The benches are simple and elegant meaning they will complement your garden, wherever you want to put your bench. The wooden benches do need treating if you want them to maintain their colour however if left they will turn into a lovely grey. Our metal benches come with a cushion for comfort. Any of the garden benches are suitable to be left outside all year round, through all weather. They provide a comfortable place to unwind after a long day. With availability both online and in our Newcastle and Wakefield branches seven days a week, get in touch if you have any queries about any of the products.
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Blogs & Guides
6 Garden Furniture Ideas For Small Gardens
July 26, 2021
| Posted in Design Ideas |
JB Furniture |
Having an outdoor space to call your own is a luxury so it makes sense to enjoy it to the full. Even the tiniest garden can become a rich and relaxing sanctuary. Read our guide to find out more.
How To Make The Best Use Of Your Outdoor Space
August 12, 2020
| Posted in How To Guides |
JB Furniture |
Find out how you can use garden furniture and clever styling to transform your outside space into delightful 'rooms' to eat, drink and simply relax.